Camuscross anchor recording

Dr Daniel Atkinson records the dimensions of the Camuscross anchor, on loan to the SAMPHIRE team from the Clan Donald Museum in Skye. This unusual anchor was found in peat by Graeme MacKenzie, a local crofter and the SAMPHIRE team have visited the findspot on Skye to record it in more detail and see what we could tell from the deposits it was found in. It is heavily corroded but its unusual features and the fact it was found below a formation of peat suggest it may be of great antiquity. The anchor is currently undergoing conservation with the Scottish Conservation Studio, who kindly arranged for its transport to our offices for detailed recording. The anchor was found in 2009 and was the subject of much discussion in the media about its age. Although there is no evidence of it being a Viking era anchor we hope to narrow down its age through further analysis and comparison with similar finds.